Tuesday, September 10, 2013

11 days and Mason Jars for Candles

 Using Mason Jars for Candles. Ok finally got the bride trapped to help me with some of the "Grand Idea's" we had.

This one we got on Pintrest and it was not as easy as "they" said.

Here is a list of what you need to make them work.

  • Quart Mason Jars
  • Can of Spray Adhesive
  • Glitter 
  • Ribbon
  • Old Buttons
  • Glue Gun

 This was relatively easy except one thing. The first few sites we went to had you use Mod Pog liquid or Elmer's glue. DO NOT this will make the glitter runny and to thick in spots ( I put photos on the bottom of the post to show you). So I had a can of Spray Adhesive from another project and we used it.

First make sure all your jars are clean. I find with all my project gloves are a must. They keep your hands clean and your eye's working!

While holding the jar take your spray bottle and spray the inside of the jar. It does not take much for the glitter to adhere so do not over do it. What do we say we can always add more but you can not take any out.

Once the jar has a coating of the spray drop/sprinkle glitter in to it and twirl the jars around until the glitter is sticking to the interior of the jar.  If you see there are empty area's just drop more glitter and keep twirling.

Let the jar's dry overnight. I decided to try a candle in one but forgot that the fumes take a while to get out of the jar. Thus yes a POOF and scared the crap out of us!

Once  your jar is done take your hot glue gun and put glue around the rim of the jar. Have your ribbon pre-cut to fit. As you put on the glue press the ribbon to the rim. Do not put the glue all the way around the hot glue dries to fast. 

Once the jars are ribbon-ed up add your embellishment to the area where the ribbons come together to hide the slit. 

Here are the finished jars. They look great and we have decided to put them on the cocktail tables and around the house for the wedding. I will update you with pictures of them lite at night.

Ok below I have put a couple of the DO NOT use glue pictures so you can see what happens.

Using Glue and we tried Mod Pog liquid they came out un-even and area's where you could actually see through.

Also the jar right below was so thick that the candle barely was showing through when lite.

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