Ladies ladies ladies and Tom today was my lucky day......tommorrow is my surgery and today i had to go down to the hospital to give blood and to get procedure done where they shove a camera down your throat.....did ya just gag.....good this story only gets better and I have to tell you I hate anything in my throat and the cowboy knows it I have a positive attitude going down ..........this is going to be ok................. i will swallow ..........i will swallow ...gag...... so nothing to eat or drink after midnight fine first lets go give blood so this is in another building then the procedure get there a little early thank God I go into the building and there is a young man i ask a simple qustion is the lab on the third floor....nope ok so there is no lab on the third floor nope is down the street two blocks....hummmm My first clue that this kid was an idiot should have been he was in street clothes no name tag but no i follow directions and drag my son with me get to the other building and nope no lab so I ask another bright employee is the lab here ..........nope........... ok is there a lab at the building i was already at ...her answer while my son holds me back....there are lots of labs you can go to anyone and get the blood drawn........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr back i go to the origional building and tell the little jackass still sitting at the desk the lab IS on the third floor ya know what smarty pants says ok SIR......................let it go let it go to the lab and a nice enough guy and me a bunch are having a nice conversation and he says I think I will try this vein hummmmm ,....ok he is the pro here.....ouch and Jesus C(*&^&*(#$ what is he doing in there and what is he digging for it's blood not gold for gosh sake.....oh I guess we will try the other arm...YA THINK????? be nice be nice be nic i leave there with 17 bandages and wondering how many hours he has been drawing blood......Ok there is a God because i go to have my procedure and out comes this hunk of burnin love even my son said hey mom got lucky there....OH YES ladies and Tom we go in find out he is the anesthesiologist and he will be administering my drugs YES YES YES......Jason is his name now this guy could have put 10,0000 needles in me and it would have been just fine indeed....

.... then the door opens and in comes the tech who is going to run the machine that is going to look at my happy oh so happy heart......Gunther a half baked pon
y tailed hunk of burnin love again twice in one day how could this old bag get so lucky i swear he says he has to use the machine to do some sort of thing and it will be a bit longer till they can start oh NO PROBLEM i got Jason till you return my the phone rings in the room and it is none other than get this Dr. Beckham down my happy heart could it be him ............ at this point Magilla Gorilla could have walked in and I would have been happy and I was not even on the drugs yet..........Ok it gets better so now the Doctor come in and hold me back it is another fricken hottie ladies.....I swear this was so funny and Im thinking how are my ladies going to know about this adventure the camera is at home and here I am no one will ever believe me..... So Cute Little Dr. Beckham tells me how he is going to shove crap down my throat and numb this and i need to swallow that all the time Im yes yes yes yessssss Oh Dr. Love me foreever I am a problem we will make you as comfortable as possible and things will be fine.....How much finer could it get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I gargle this stuff and they spray that stuff and Jason shoots some drugs in me and were ready.......choke and gag but they got it down ........ Oh dont let me for get to mention Dr. Howard he was the Dr my age and quite nice but it was kinda like being in a roo

m with all these hottie and then my dad walked in .......and he was younger then me.......But here is the best thing of all the tech Patrick who is Italian although he looks african american dont let the dred's fool you.....he told me nope Italian and I have to believe him......He gave me a bit of information that i will be googling did you know that the dredlocks and all that stuff is part of Rastafari....ok I know another subject.....but my Italian friend Patrick was just so happy to snap a few shots and send them to me to share with you ladies .....YES PROOF THANK YOU PATRICK MY FRIEND........So tomorrow is the surgery and with any luck none of thesse guys read this blog and are going to get in any trouble or come to my room .>>WISHING>>>>>>>>Ladies the spell check was not working and you all know I'm a spelling grammar moron so thanks for being so kind to me and god Bless I will be back on Friday God Willing.....SO to Gunther, Patrick, Dr. Beckham, Jason and yes Dr. Howard you made my day !!!!!!!!!
Look at those dimples! They are all hotties. Your lucky day!
From here I pray for you.... it refreshes my memories what I had gone through four years ago... God Bless.
You hit the jackpot honey! Hotties, no kidding. Think happy thoughts and know that I'm thinking of you and my other friend having surgery Thursday.
You have a wonderful spirit.
Lani! are you kidding me! you needto have your own column in a newspaper or the new york post! i hope the sexy doctors take care of you! eat your dinner tina goooooooooosh
Your sense of humor is amazing.....I have terrible white coat syndrome and would be in a panic even WITH those hotties!!! Hoping all goes well today and it won't be long before you are back being silly here for us.
Lani you are a hoot! Only you can find humor while having those tests. But you are right it does help us through tough situations. Will say a prayer for your successful surgery and looking forward to talking to you when its done. Love You My Friend-God Bless
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you'll sail through this difficult time. Your smiles and stories are so inspirational!Thank you,
Lani, today is Friday and you surgery should be over and hopefully you are recovering nicely. Just wish someone would get on your blog and let us know how you are. We Love and miss You.
Okay is ya doing??? Need to know we worry ya know!!! Did you run off with them hotties to Malibu??????
Big hugs!!!
Oh my are so dang funny! That was hilarious. I've been coped up in the damn house all week with the flu and strep. Probably swine flu by now. And that made me laugh. THANKS
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