Friday, July 12, 2013

The Shirt How funny am I

So I am looking at my blog which needs to be updated more often because I am wearing the same gray tank in all the post for the last month. How funny.This month/week has brought many ghost from the past good and strange. Have you ever had times like these. The good thing about being honest and not being a liar is that you do not have to remember what you say ! Wa La !

Enough of that . I have to try to get Grama to get dressed and go out for a field trip today. She is wanting to leave the house less and less. But in all fairness it must be hard for her. Did I bastards brat's are good.

 LOOK my Ukulele Pa got it for me for my birthday. Yes I am taking lessons! Oh Yeah.
tell you I got a Uklele for my birthday . Yup Pa got it for me.

Yes I love it I am going to lesson's most of my classmates are between the ages of 5 and 12 Perfect!


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