Sunday, November 11, 2012

Great weekend was it

I am actually just getting back into the swing of things. I now know when it is a weekend. The past year the day's just fell together. But I have my camera back around my neck. And I think my sense of humor may be raring it's evil head. And thank baby Jesus for that. The last year I have been so God Damn boring. I am sick of people feeling sorry for me. Hey I am grateful to the core for my friends, neighbors and loved one's but life with Lani is back in session. Let the fun begin. From her on out it is back to laughing through the day. You good with that?

Mama is on the computer!

Pound cake

Here are a couple of shot of my people eating my pound cake and it was to drool over. Here is the funny thing. Note how they all poses for me...LOL,..Ah the power behind the food 

Pound Cake
I need to say what a big help my sister Mimi has been through out this whole ordeal with Mama!
Thank you Mimi!!!!!

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