Saturday, August 14, 2010

Email......... Internet ............

Blow me no i know that sounds harsh but what the heck happened to a phone call how are you a card hello a nice word .....Anywho the reason I'm talking about this is as you all know i love my blog mostly because i love my life...i don't have any long lost friends or any family connects thru this media and most of the time we think that people are the ones we know on the www but crap i stand as here is my opinion on each thing...lets start with email...this for me is good for information only i will respond to a question send an invite to bunco or print a coupon but email for personal reasons has its ups but really lets be honest how many emails have been mis-con-screwed for what they are not...sweet mail seemed snappy ....i mean did you mean lots of love or laugh out loud when i told you about a tragedy (lol) hummmm and we seem to have a easier time letting people know how ya really feel when there is no human contact it makes us unaccountable able to say i did not mean that or opps shit i think i send her/him a copy ohh no no no the Internet for me a great place to get information and to share my life IE my blogs....i use to update them daily but i found that people took some of my hummmmmm topics offensive me offencive get a life....ok ok most of you know i rarely get my panties in a bunch ok whatever let me step down off my soap box...hang on or better yet BRB.....oh and now to top it off someones tole a jar of my pickles off the shelf at the fair ....good lord the fair for gosh sakes......had a great weekend all in all....God Bless you guys and im going to update this darn blog every night or day just cause i have been slackin' yes im an internet slacker.....

1 comment:

Tangos Treasures said...

Wow someone stole a jar of pickles??? That's so crazy!


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