Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Boy oh Boy....have I been bloggin!

Oh Look there are those adorable children of mine!!!

Well tonight I have been around the world, joined clubs and really been blogging. Go Lani. This could get to be quite the habit if it were not for this god forsaken BOOT CAMP I would have a life again.

Week four people and these instructors I think go home with nothing better to do then think up more and more exercises that will put me into a coma. 

Plus I was a bit gassy tonight so each push up got a fart up. Luck everyone was in so much pain and doing everything they could just to breath and the upward wind it went unnoticed. I want to learn more about my new hobby quilting.I have never gone out of my box and really stepped it up I have quilted for 7 years or so and well I need to take a walk on the wild side try something new and I believe that that is why I'm blogging. I know I know it all started because of the breast cancer (the blogging) but come on that is almost a year old already time to move on to bigger and better stuff. So with the help of my new universe I shall step out into this new world of da da da da quilter's from around the globe.....Wow next thing you know I will be the first woman quilting president


Quilter Going Bananas said...

Hi Lani, Just wanted to say Hi cuz I noticed you're a follower of mine :^)

Loved the story about farting while doing push-ups, takes talent you know to do that, lol

Post some pics of quilty stuff, okay?

Rosanne said...

They are beeautiful kids!

Have fun with the quilting!

Donna said...

Your post are so much fun to read. I'm ticked that you will be doing a bit more quilting, can't wait to see some more of your quilts. I seen your snowflake, so I had to click. I've been thinking of doing a giveaway myself, I'll have to give it a thought as what to have for a gift.

Rhonda said...

Hi Lani, I can see that you are a true Wacky Wannabee!


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