Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh to be young and live on the planet Oakland

Look at this this is what I raised a independent lunnie bird ....My baby is in the red....gotta love it folks does this not just make you jealous we are not up there doing the same thing..this is the love fest they went to which was after the masterbatation two weeks before mark my words it was advertised in the paper no less. How strange but great it is a world all its own up there in Frisco and I spent a week there and can not say I have had a better time since oh oh oh except when I walked the 39 miles and stretched body muscles I knew not that I had. Oh and the beautiful toe nail that should be ripe enough to fall off any day now. Hopefully I will win the contest and loose mine before Broken Hip (My friend Katy)

1 comment:

Heather Anne said...

next year stevee and i can make a few more costumes for your gang


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