Wednesday, March 6, 2024

And here we are 2024

Well it is 2024 and this dear year has really tried my patience. But first a bit on how the family is doing. The most important person is the Bean my granddaughter sit down this will hit you hard but she is 7 years old. SAY WHAT ! I do have to say that I believe she is going to turn out to be quite like her Yaya. More about her as we get reacquainted. 

The youngsters are doing great Heather and Chris still up in Oaktown rocking that place. Christopher has gotten promoted a few times with in the Berkley School District and Heather between mamahood and Hairdressing well she to rock that bay area. And what do you say about that little Nugget my Bean she is 7 can you believe that time has passed so quickly. I think I will blame her for my lost time off line. There you have it.

Now let us travel up PNW a big change. The  chosen one Hank and Linzie have moved to the beautiful state of Washington. The change took time but they did all their research and that was the spot. The result they are so Happy and that is what every parent want's. The have a new baby Lemmy my new Granddog and he is a hoot. I have spent time with him and that is another post of it's own. They purchased a home for a 1/4 of the price of California and why not. The state is beautiful, less political bullshit and so many wonderful things to do. I am enjoying the things I have discovered up there and will post about them all. But for now the most important thing is they are so happy.

Well it is already March and what I have been through is more than I can put into this post. But my life is about to change drastically. I do not know when, how or why .... ok I know why but that is not the point. 

You all know my other websites and I am going to try to get them into one place not a small task but one that I can do. With that Happy New Years for the last 4 plus years.

Let's Go ! 

Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 Not So Bad

As we put a close to this year of amazing changes in our own lives as well as the lives that surround us let's try to put a positive spin on 2020. But first let's take a look at what has happened. At the beginning of the year we were all running around zippin here dashin there. Then as February flew by March brought us a new delima. We were facing a virus that we had yet to understand the impact it would have on our world as we knew it. 

Businesses will never be the same and some will never recover. Families have lost loved ones and we all know someone that lost the fight with Coronavirus. I personally lost the first 6 months of 2020 to my battle with Lung Cancer it left me physical and mentally lost. A Blur I would say. I never once denied the virus or its impact on society. We lost Lu my Mother-in-love this year and it was tragic. 

Then comes the tragic death of George Floyds. Yet again here in America we are faced with our own ignorance when it came to racism and prejudice. The fight continues. 

We have become a spoiled and ignorant country who seem to think we are the greatest. We have so much to learn. I know it will not be learned in my lifetime. Hopefully my children and their children will. The same children who are unable to get an education due to that nasty virus and our ability to not go to any length to make sure every child gets what he or she needed. It will be labeled as the generation that can not spell or read. No fault of theirs or their teachers' Let give a tremendous thank you to those front line people who teach our children from their own home everyday. A thankless job due to the 70 % of parents who just do not give a s****. 

Let us be grateful for so many things like Zoom that has kept so many people able to communicate with family. Workers to continue being gainfully employed because they can do their work from home. 

What I have seen this year in my own world is families coming together at the table to enjoy a meal. Taking your children for a walk, camping, board games and connecting in ways you never imagined you did without. Have you noticed all the things your children have taught you in the last year? 

So lets be grateful for ......

  • We have all become incredibly aware of all the front line workers that have worked tirelessly to help those in need. 
  • The Food Bank, Church's and Community Centers that have made sure we all have food to eat. 
  • The Farmers who have given their food to us so it does not go to waste. 
  • To the Market's and stores and the workers who have kept the shelves stocked and clean for us. 
  • To the teachers who work to keep our children educated.
  • The firemen who put their lives on the line to keep us safe. 
  • To the neighbor who came to see that you were ok.
  • To everyone who said a prayer for you even if you did not believe in the power of a prayer. 
  • To the person who made you smile today even behind a mask. 
  • To everyone who has shown up to help in any way they can. 
  • To all the YouTube Videos you watched to learn something new. 

The list goes on it is endless the things we an be grateful for. 

Thank you 2020 you were a year for the books ! 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Back and Catching Up

I had no idea I had abandoned my Blog but sure enough I did. The Cancer and the Covid took me for a loop. After the cancer I have decided to close my Jam Business and truly retire. I still do a lot of preserving food and my website with all the recipes is here. 

Come by Canarella if you need any tips, tricks or recipes for preserving food. I have everything from canning, fermenting, dehydrating the list goes on and on. 

I just made some delicious Three Bean Soup yesterday for the long winter coming. That is kind funny to say here in Southern California. Today I am working on some Lemon Marmalade. The lemons and oranges are from our own garden. 

Citrus Pride Jam So the next question for Lani is:

What will you be doing with your time? 

Getting back to doing my usual stuff but a little less since the cancer and this virus are insane.

The cancer is in remission and the Heart Disease well it is what it is. I have torn myself out of the "There is no Future" to the reality of "Each Day is a Gift"    But the hair Good Lord I look like one of my chickens. 

Let's talk quilting it has been a hobby of mine for over 15 years. I love it. I started when I was working in Camarillo over 19 years ago with a fellow employee. It was at the time one of my just can't say "no" times. I took the class with her an she vanished right after. Go figure I found something I loved.

So off to quilting I went. Met my teacher Miss Rita and never looked back. We have been quilting once a week ever since that glorious class. The quilt above in the picture is one I started years ago with scraps of material from all the quilts I have done and more. 

It turned out much bigger than I ever expected but that is ok. Since then I have finished 3 others. Hey, now that I have decided to slow down I have lots of time for quilting and I got a new sewing machine. Fancy Pants here! 

The garden is doing great since last we talked I have a new raised garden well 2 new ones. One is on the lawn and the other on a patch of dirt close to the kitchen. Good for need it now vegetables. Grew some great tomatoes this year and saved plenty for seeds for next year. 

The big addition to our household is chickens. Yup after a long 10 year wait they are here.

The Chickens ! They have been named by The Bean and that is Cece, Olaf, Anna and Elisa now where did these names come from? Funny thing is that I am havng to get more use to them being around then the opposite. Soon fresh eggs and that is the whole idea they are cute but not pets. They are money savers.  

They have a beautiful home lucky birds ! 

Oh crap my Pa (hubby) bought a fishing boat he retired a few weeks back and decided to go back to the sea. He had a boat prior to meeting me for about 10 years but sold it to pursue a new hobby. Roping. 

Looks like there will be more fish recipes on my Cooking Blog soon! 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Let us get back to normal-ish

Well people I have had quite a year this 2020. We started off with the cancer then low and behold last week after not feeling so great went to the ER and now have been diagnosed with Coronary Heart Failure. Oh yeah! But this being what it is we are just going with it. 

With the Corona going on it has made it so hard for everyone to adjust. Many of you like me are waiting for things to go back to the way they were.

No it will never be the same. But we can make it better. How you ask ? Well being home sure does give you a lot of time to do stuff examples you ask

  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Quilting
  • Calling a friend on the phone
  • Sitting don and writing a card to a friend or loved one
  • Reading a good book
  • Spending time outdoors
  • Journaling
  • Organizing
  • Purging the house and garage
The list is endless !

This is just a few. When the pandemic broke out I was going into Chemo so I had no desire to go out any way but now well now I want to do all my stuff just like before. Luck me I have an acre of land to play on and have been out there gardening. 

Another thing I started with everyone in mind was Simi Valley Seed Savers. I am sharing seeds to be planted around Simi Valley. Also, I am going to do monthly Seed Saver Open Houses here at my home once the virus is under control. This is so that everyone with extra seeds or needing seeds can exchange and get together. 

I think Free is the key word here!

I have returned to my quilting this is a hobby that I get so much satisfaction from. I have had to struggle to do it in the past few years because everytime I started to sew or meet my quilting cronies something always stopped me. Now I have made a commitment to get back to quilting. I missed it so much. I even invested in a new sewing machine The old one was from Montgomery Wards oh lets say 1980. It was a workhorse and did a lot of work. Great thing is they took it for a trade in. There is a sewing shop called Kingdom Sewing here in SImi been here a long time and is still the lace to go locally. 

Hubby (Pa) retired that is such a blessing. He worked hard all his life and deserves a little 
He Time!

That will be an addition to the Blog. He got himself a new boat to go sport fishing fun. Note the only picture I took while looking at it was of a kitty in watching us. More to come. 

Well this seems like a good amount of information to get you up to date with Laniville. Have a blessed day ! 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

As promised Chemo Update

 I do realize this a bit late but let me tell you people that Chemo is the WORST thing I've ever experienced in my life! I would not wish it on the devil himself!

The first day of treatment I was gung-ho a real little warrior but day two and three not so bad a bit nauseated but made it. If I could remember The next three days I would tell you but they are a blurr!

I could not talk, eat , walk or in any way communicate for 2 weeks or more. Then came the weakness unbelievable. I am down 30 pounds and feel ever part of that. So that is the bad news. On a lighter note ...

Next week we go in for treatment two oh yippee. I know I am a very positive person but this cancer thing is really a mood killer. My husband God Bless That Man watched from afar and walked around this house as if it were a museum. I truly believer he was so scared. But with out Pa I do not know how I would have survived.

Not to mention those two children I gave birth to. Henry and Heather Anne called Pa ever day as I could not communicate for a while. They have been their Hank has taken me to doctor's appointments. Heather Anne has sent care packages that put me into tears of joy. And that little Bean and the honesty that comes out of kids mouths is just what I need ever time I talk with her. She always puts a smile on our faces. Especially Pa she holds a special place in his heart.

Now lets talk friends. I have so many wonderful people in my life. For two weeks all I could do was repond to any texts with an emoji of a bed. But the cards and notes of hope were amazing. I have gotten bags of books and books on CD. I get amazing care packages from mystery people and they touch my heart. I have always been a very independent person and no matter how independent I think I am my friends rock my world.

I know I promised to keep you updated but this is a tougher road then I ever imagined but with all of you your friendship, love and prayers I will make it through this.

Thank You Everyone you are in my prayers of gratitude and love daily! 


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