Well it is 2024 and this dear year has really tried my patience. But first a bit on how the family is doing. The most important person is the Bean my granddaughter sit down this will hit you hard but she is 7 years old. SAY WHAT ! I do have to say that I believe she is going to turn out to be quite like her Yaya. More about her as we get reacquainted.
Now let us travel up PNW a big change. The chosen one Hank and Linzie have moved to the beautiful state of Washington. The change took time but they did all their research and that was the spot. The result they are so Happy and that is what every parent want's. The have a new baby Lemmy my new Granddog and he is a hoot. I have spent time with him and that is another post of it's own. They purchased a home for a 1/4 of the price of California and why not. The state is beautiful, less political bullshit and so many wonderful things to do. I am enjoying the things I have discovered up there and will post about them all. But for now the most important thing is they are so happy.
Well it is already March and what I have been through is more than I can put into this post. But my life is about to change drastically. I do not know when, how or why .... ok I know why but that is not the point.
You all know my other websites and I am going to try to get them into one place not a small task but one that I can do. With that Happy New Years for the last 4 plus years.
Let's Go !