Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day to all and Tom!

Hey without you dad there would be no Fathers day....You guide us teach us what we are and where we come teach us how to use a hammer and nails.....You go with us to Father daughter dances ....... you shine up the shot gun for our wipe the tears from boo boo and all other daddy matters.....God Bless you for all you do and Life would not exist with out YOU! From the top of my heart I must say I love you Daddy!

1 comment:

Tom H said...

Lani, Great post! Gotta share the jest of the card my one daughter sent me on fathers day. Front of the card said HAPPY FATHERS DAY, YOU MADE ME WHAT I AM TODAY. Inside it says: MY GOD, HOW CAN YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT? I have two daughters I love them both, this daughters motto is MORE IS NOT ENOUGH. I say that in the nicest way tho.


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