Sunday, October 26, 2008

And let the games begin...............

Don't I look excited about the boot camp...... I look more like what the hell am I doing you crazy fool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOOT are the photos as promised before my adventure another one ...I went to orientation and good lord I could not do one push up or one sit up it was amazing but i went knowing this is what it would be. Now i will make sure that i keep you posted on my progress each day this should be really a trip..hey the one half push up i did my chest is killing me ... went and bought the yes food and must stay away from the no food plus there is a 3 pm curfew on some is going to take a few days to get use to this but i have the utmost in confidence in myself. ever since the cancer i have really changed my attitude toward all thing do-able.... I have tried my best to out nothing off that can be done now...i use to be a really big time procrastinator and projector....Go figure that out how do you procrastinate and project...when you project you oh never mind ....well please wish me luck in this new adventure and if I'm the only one looking at this page at least I'm staying accountable yo myself. Oh and i had to get a jump rope jump robe i said this is going to be so much fun or pure hell.......................
I really am noticeing the wires hanging down from the wall hummm I must clean that up ............... and no I am not in a elder female tough tits gang with the backwards hat I need to have a hat on my head it is a big forehead thing and that is another story......

1 comment:

Heather Anne said...

your such a hooootttiiieee


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